On Thursday night, the best design of the country Juozas Statkevičius made fashion fans who came to Siemens Arena in the capital city to feel like in exotic Morocco. It is this North African country that has become a major source of his ideas for the spring and summer collection of 2015.
Like every year, Lithuanian and foreign models walked on this exclusive catwalk in the show along with famous women such as: E. Grėbliauskaitė-Tursienė, J. Butrimė, A. Valentaitė etc.
Lavazza coffee aroma was hovering behind the scenes, where models, makeup artists and the fashion guru himself enjoyed Italian espresso. Collections models were also awarded with special Lavazza gifts.
After the event, invited guests came to the party in Stikliai hotel to celebrate the success of Juozas Statkevičius catwalk show. The guests enjoyed Moet champagne and Lavazza coffee.
One of the most exclusive fashion events in Lithuania is the presentation of the collection of designer Juozas Statkevičius. This year, the designer dedicated the show to her mother. Floral fabrics, exclusive materials – created a nostalgic mood and surprised with exclusivity.
The largest motorsport event in Lithuania “1006 km” races. As every year, the members of Porsche Klubas Lietuva competed in different categories on the competition track. This year, more than 30 different models of Porsche cars have registered to drive on the track, which has become a real decoration of this huge event. All members […]
Opening of Klaipeda Golf Club “National Golf resort” season. Good weather, delicious coffee and a great mood for the players.
At the end of October, the long-awaited modern art museum MO was opened in Vilnius. The opening celebration lasted for 4 days – various events, exhibitions, meetings with artists and other entertainments were presented to the museum guests. During the events, guests enjoyed “Lavazza” coffee and tasted the solid coffee “Lavazza Espesso”.
At the end of September in Nida the Porsche Club Lietuva closed the season. On Saturday, members and guests of the club gathered for a traditional slalom race at Nida airport. In slalom race both men and women competed. By the way, women showed no worse results in racing then men. Club members enjoyed the […]
On the 13th of September the LTeam conference was held – an event dedicated to sports professionals and lovers of healthy and active lifestyles. Professional lectures and seminars, the opportunity to test new technicks and a great opportunity to chat directly with sports stars was in one space. During the conference energy was supported by […]
On a warm evening of 30th of August TV3 television mentioned two events: the 25th anniversary and the start of the new season. Invte only event gathered celebrities from the entertainment world, politics and business celebrities. Guests in the VIP zone listened to the City Music Festival in the Mountain Park, enjoyed the Lavazza coffee and radiated good mood.
On the last days of August, Lithuanian sand tennis championship took place in Vilnius at the White Bridge near Vilnius and has already become a beautiful summer ending tradition. During the championship players enjoyed a beautiful game, tasteful italian coffee “Lavazza” and special “Lavazza” gifts.
On 18th of August, the biggest motorcyclists event in Lithuania “Ryterna modul Mototurizmo ralis” was held, during which the participants traveled Lithuania on the same track in one day, thus uniting it. Traditionally, the winners were awarded with “Lavazza” gifts. All participants and guests of the event were served with “Lavazza” coffee.
“Porsche klubas Lietuva” jau šeštus metus iš eilės organizuoja renginius Palangoje, kur laikinai įrengtoje lenktynių trasoje, organizuojamamos “AURUM 1006 km” varžybos. 2018 metų liepos 19-21 dienomis įvykusios “AURUM 1006 km” lenktynės taip pat buvo didelė šventė klubo nariams ir svečiams. Organizatoriai skyrė net 2 val. 20 min. laiko trasoje tik Porsche klubo automobiliams. Trasoje įvyko ir […]
On Thursday evening, the “Dream Bar” and Stikliai street turned into a genuine Moroccan market and party. Guests of the annual traditional party, were dressed with colorful clothes, the oriental scents and great mood flooded the air. Dream Bar invited guests to the spectacular summer season opening party, where guests enjoyed the exclusive Espesso coffee created by […]
More than 350 motorcyclists in the second weekend of May participated in the traditional Mototurizm season opening. For the sixth year the organizers of the event have invited motorcyclists to discover less well-known places in Vilnius and its surroundings. The start and finish of the event took place at the BMW Representation. Event participants enjoyed […]
On April 21st evening at Vilnius lofts designers Lilija Larionova and Egidijus Rainys presented the autumn and winter collections of 2018. Both designers introduced 30 of their collection models. E.Rainys struck by the gamut of colors and their unexpected combinations, while L. Larionova’s work reflected functionality, quality and ease. During the evening guests enjoyed “Lavazza” […]
Lectures series on topical city formation, construction themes. Participants enjoy “Lavazza” coffee.
On April 5th at the industrial art place “Pakrantė” designer Agnė Kuzmickaitė presented her new collection. A very colorful spring/summer collection radiated good mood and neon colors. Guests of the event were treated with “Lavazza” coffee, everyone was awarded with special “Lavazza” gifts.
National and international volleyball and tennis tournaments at Vilnius Beach arena has already become a tradition. “Lavazza” coffee is a constant partner of these tournaments where players enjoy a good game and tasty italian coffee and gifts from “Lavazza”.
On February 18th, the annual “L’Oréal Professionnel Baltic Bridal Fashion Show” event took place in Vilnius. The event, which takes place in Vilnius, presents the latest wedding dresses of Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, and fashion houses this year, bridal gowns and make-up. The event was welcomed by gathered guests, fashion experts, wedding organizers and famous people […]
On 28th of December The Global Lithuanian Leaders Awards of the International Network of Professionals took place at Vilnius Martynas Mažvydas National Library. The GLL network is united and the name of Lithuania is famous all over the world: scientific achievements of international professionals, creative heights, advanced solutions in business and other fields. During the […]
On 8th of December one of the most popular young generation photographers Dainius Ščiuka invited to the opening of an exclusive photo exhibition. He has presented his biggest exhibition NATURAL WOMEN in the Vilnius Design Gallery of Xcelsior. In the photographs the artist captured natural, unpolished faces. Guests of the event enjoyed cocktails and “Lavazza” […]
On the 5th of December new winter number of magazine “Icon” was presented in Vilnius. This time the party was held between the clouds – in the 21st floor of hotel bar. Festive mood was created by celebrities, stylists, actors and fans of the works of the VMG. The guests enjoyed the traditional Italian “Lavazza” […]
On Thursday evening the famous national designer Juozas Statkevičius presented collection of 2018 for fashion fans’ in the Siemens Arena. As every year, famous Lithuanian and foreign models, as well as by famous women from Lithuania took place on the podium of this exceptional show. The aroma of the coffee “Lavazza” flooded behind the scenes, […]
On the first weekend of October in 2017 in Nida, the Porsche Club Lietuva closed the season. On Saturday, members and guests of the club gathered for a traditional slalom race at Nida airport. This time in a smaller slalom race, women who showed no worse results in racing with Porsche Macan competed. Men competed […]
Rugpjūčio 20 dieną Klaipėdos loftų teritorijoje No. 74 vyko specialus renginys ir mados ženklo 2RU2RA gimtadienis. 22 valandas trukęs mados, meno ir muzikos renginys pritraukė daugiau kaip 1000 svečių, daugybę muzikos atlikėjų bei mados mylėtojų. Renginio metu susirinkę svečiai stebėjo ypatingas meno instaliacijas, tarp kurių visų akį patraukęs ore kabantis “Lavazza” puodelis su išsiliejusia kava. […]
Porsche Club Lithuania for the fifth year in a row organizes events at Palanga, where at the temporary race track for “ENEOS 1006 km” race is organized. On July 21-23rd 2016, “ENEOS 1006 km” race was also a big celebration for club members and guests. The organizers gave 2 hours 20 min time only for […]
The awards of an annual “Lavazza Matchplay” golf tournament were held on 3rd of July at Klaipėda National Golf Resort. All participants of “Lavazza Matchplay” tournament were awarded with special Lavazza gifts and the first place winner was awarded the main prize of the tournament – stylish Lavazza coffee machine.
On the 16th of June evening designer Laura Dailidėnienė invited guests to an exclusive fashion event. Her latest spring and summer collection was held in Vilnius Neris waterfront. Summery weather, untraditional location, music and lighting effects haven’t left indifferent, designer received applause and praise. The venue of the event became coast, and behind the scenes and […]
New Lithuanian comedy – directed by Julius Paulikas – the film ” Oh, no ! Oh yes!”. It is a good dose of humor about the couples relationship. On this occasion on Wednesday evening in Vilnius at Forim Cinemas “Vingis” – the VIP premier was done. To see and evaluate the movie to an exclusive […]
At the grand palace of dukes in Vilnius, Prime minister Algirdas Butkevičius awarded the winners of “Smart City II” – competition of conceptual future cities project. On Thursday evening in the heart of the capital at the red carpet event, politicians, businessmen, the country’s best-known architects, and the most talented young Lithuanian academy representors gathered. “The […]
We want to celebrate that our company was seen and evaluated – UAB ” Amoka” was recognized as one of the most successful and fastest growing companies in Lithuania. Award was presented by Kaunas mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis , 25 May. at a conference for small and medium business “Gazelle 2016. How to increase the speed of […]
On Saturday evening, the most famous Lithuanian film and theater world representatives gathered to “Compensa” arena. Here, the most honored actors and filmakers were awarded with Silver Crane. The Lithuanian ” Oscars ” gathered the most stylish people who walked down the red carpet in a festive mood. The 9th Silver Crane awards attracted […]
A special occasion of “Lavazza 120th years” anniversary was celebrated on Thursday evening in Vilnius restaurant “Stikliai” at the event called “La dolce vita”. The event gathered a lot of celebrities, all were treated with delicacies from “Stikliai” restaurant, luxury champagne and enjoyed the Italian “Lavazza” coffee. Also, a special “Lavazza” summer drink “Cremespresso” was presented during […]
On 26th of May, Liberal youth organization had a conference which was a big success. Student gathered at Kaunas Municipality where had a discussion on most relevant political topics. Participants of the event had “Lavazza” coffee and recieved “Lavazza” gifts.
On the second weekend of May, more than 250 motorcyclists participated in a traditional Mototourism season opening. For the fourth year, the organizers invited motorcycles to discover lesser-known city and its surrounding areas. The event started and finished at the BMW salon. During the event, a zip of energy was given by real italian espresso […]
On the 7th-8th of May, in Kaunas international sports dance competitions Amber Couple 2016 took place at “Žalgiris” arena. This event is known throughout the world and recognized for more than half a century representing Kaunas city culture. “Amber couple” currently has already become not only the longest (except every few years traveling song festivals […]
Prestigious IX Lithuanian cinema awards “Silver Crane” statuettes will be handed out on May 27 th, where a solemn ceremony will be announced winners. Less than a month before event, which is organized by Lithuanian Film Academy ( Lika ) and Lithuanian film center, nominated filmmakers convened to Gala Brunch, which was held in their honor. […]
In early May an annual ” Nameja Balva” business awards ceremony was celebrated. During “Nameja Balva”,awards were given to the Latvian companies operating in Lithuania , which last year achieved the best results. Best partners in Lithuania – Lithuanian companies, associations and other bodies with which cooperation has been particularly successful, were also awarded. Since the […]
On the 7th of May Porsche Club Lithuania opened a new 2016 season. Throughout the weekend accompanied by members of the club in a good mood and air, participants attended auto orientation races in Lithuania and slalom events at Veisiejų kart track. Women had the opportunity to participate in golf slalom competitions. All members of the […]
“Structum ” contest “Smart City , which takes place from September . The aim of the project – to bring together interdisciplinary teams and develop comprehensive and motivated design concepts of the three problem areas identified. Eight teams from VGTU, KTU , VDU and VTDK are working and developing a “smart city ” five large […]
“Magic coffee” – social action organized by Vilnius Gediminas Rotary Club, which collected funds to help children suffering from emotional difficulties finding friends . Buying coffee on April 25 – May 1st., at projects friends and partners cafes, restaurants, you will contribute to the social program “Big Brothers Big Sisters of support . “Amoka” company […]
April 16th National Golf Resort at Klaipėda celebrated opening of the season . Players took part in a friendly tournament and were later awarded with “Lavazza” prizes. Throughout the day, the players were treated with “Lavazza” coffee.
On April 29th in Kaunas, SEO Academy organized a seminar on ” Business recipes for success , as well as the Academy celebrated 2 years of operation birthday. During the event , participants were treated with “Lavazza” coffee, and during the special awards, valuable “Lavazza” gifts were presented.
On the 23rd of April “Porsche Club Lithuania” organized a one day tour „Porsche takes Kražius”. 22 of Porsche club members participated in the event. They made a tour through Kaunas – Šiluva – Tytuvėnai – Kražiai – Kaunas. Club members took a ride throught a wonderfull winding roads, visited museum of Šiluva, church and monastery of Tytuvėnai, took […]
On April 7 at the “Arts Printing House” designer Agnė Kuzmickaitė presented her new collection. A very colorful spring/summer collection radiated good mood and neon colors. Guests of the event were treated with “Lavazza” coffee, everyone was awarded with special “Lavazza” gifts.
On March 19th, magazine “Žmonės” celebrated its 15th birthday. The impressive ceremony was attended by 500 invited guests – known Lithuanian people, artists, fashion representatives, politicians. The event stood out with luxury and originality. The event also stood out with exceptional performances. Top Lithuanian chefs performed a culinary show, during which guests had the opportunity to taste special […]
On April 7th designer Agnė Kuzmickaitė will present her new collection, event will be held at “Menų spaustuvė”. Agnė Kuzmickaitė is one of the best known and most progressive designers of her generation. The new collection as every year will impress with its originality and exclusivity as well as music and light effects. […]
On February 6-7th AIESEC students held an annual conference. During which Lithuanian and foreign students shared their experiences at universities, also participated in various training courses. During the conference students and speakers were treated with “Lavazza” coffee.
In early February KTU University students celebrated – dormitories sports games ” Barakiada’16 “, organized by the Council of the University dormitories. This game involved all 12 KTU dormitories, which are actively compeated with each other for winning the best transition dorm Cup. Games known for a wide variety of sporting event. This year’s news: cricket, […]
On Wednesday night, the best designer of the country Juozas Statkevičius opened his secret life door to fans who came to Siemens Arena in the capital city. Like every year, Lithuanian and foreign models walked on this exclusive catwalk in the show along with famous Lithuanias women. Lavazza coffee aroma was hovering behind the scenes, […]
Vilnius and Kaunas cafes windows and interior were decorated with the colorful “Lavazza” calendars images created by world-famous photographers. “Lavazza” company calendar images create vivacious, while also mysterious and inclusive mood at cafes and also complements the interior.
Celebrating 120 years of company’s existence, “Lavazza” has released a limited edition special ground coffee tins collection. 100 % Arabica ground coffee that is inside the tin, has a strong taste, chocolate and caramel aftertaste. Each tin design is unique because it reflects the historical motives of “Lavazza” company: first logo, a special cup […]
“The Strongest in Lithuania 2015” is a certificate confirming that the company is reliable, fulfills and is very likely to fulfill their financial obligations in the future. We are proud that UAB “Amoka” has earned this certificate and is one of the strongest and most reliable its activity leaders in Lithuania. The most important criterion gaining the […]
Having reached a very welcoming feedback, Italian tenor Donato Ravini returned to Lithuania. This time the tenor gladdened even with two concerts in Kaunas and Vilnius. Classical music lovers gathered at Kaunas Artists’ House and Vilnius Picture Gallery. Italian spirit was hovering in the air not only for Italian music, but also because of the Italian coffee […]
October 22nd was the start date for the “Car of the year” election . The event was held at Kaunas Mazda car showroom. During the event, Mazda introduced its brand contenders for the Car of the Year 2016 elections. During the event guests were treated wit “Lavazza” coffee.
On October 22nd conference, held by ELSA VDU, brought together more than 150 law students who were actively debating on the Constitution and the public interface theme. The conference was held at Kaunas municipality where its participants and the rapporteurs were enjoying “Lavazza” coffee during the event.
On October 3rd motto tourism enthusiasts from all over Lithuania gathered at Vingis Park. The closing celebration of the season included various performances and race. During the event participants were treated with “Lavazza” coffee.
On Thursday evening , the day before the biggest international contemporary art festival ” Kaunas Biennial” opening, the organizers invited famous cultural and business elite representatives to the gala dinner. Kaunas Pažaislis convent center of luxurious hospitality “Monte Pacis” was full not only with intellectual speeches, festive mood, but also with the incredible surprises. A culinary […]
It has been already 120 years since “Lavazza” company was founded and it’s been consecutive work for perfect coffee roasting and perfect coffee quality in cup. For this impressive anniversary “Lavazza” has created a special coffee blend of selected 100 % Arabica beans. Coffee has a strong flavor , which is felt in notes of chocolate and […]
August 31 – September 5 an exceptional event – the European Golf Championships one of the stages was held in Klaipeda “National Golf Resort” golf fields. It was attended by more than 200 players from various European countries. 5 day event attracted a lot of golf sports lovers , thus during the event almost half […]
The fifth Mototourism rally was held on the 22nd of August and was celebrated under the slogan “Know, unite and be like Chase”. With the invitation to explore Lithuania , the participants opened up a lot of interesting tourist locations. This year commemorating the 250th anniversary of Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis birth anniversary, Motorally first drew […]
On the 16th of August Belvilis bike marathon stage was held at Molėtai area. Over 1000 bike sports lovers participated in the event. Athletes competed in mountain biking events. 30 winning contestants awarded with special “Lavazza” gifts.
On August 7-8th international disabled volleyball competition took place at Palanga beach. Athletes from Lithuania and neighbor countries participated. All participants were awarded with “Lavazza” gifts.
25-26th of July Europe center golf club organized friendly centro 30+ and senior golf competition, which attracted more than 30 participant. The event lasted all weekend and attracted not only players, but also their family members and friend who came to spend their time at golf club. All participants were given “Lavazza” gifts.
On July 17-19th “Lithuanian Women beach volleyball championship” took place at Kaunas. Players from all over Lithuania participated at the championship. Participants we awarded with price cups and “Lavazza” prizes.
Porsche Club Lithuania for the fourth year in a row organizes the “Race Attack” series events at Palanga, where at the temporary race track, 1000 km race is organized. On July 16-18th 2015, ENEOS 1000km race was also a big celebration for club members and guests. The organizers gave 2 hours 20 min time only […]
On the first Wednesday of summer annual “Women’s golf days” tournament started and will continue all summer. Women will compete in professional and beginner groups. Winners will be awarded at the end of summer. Participants will be awarded with valuable “Lavazza” prizes.
Every year, the Italian Embassy in Lithuania is organizing the event which this year was chosen to take place at the National Art Gallery. The celebration brought together more than 300 invited guests . During the event, guests were treated with Italian coffee “Lavazza” .
On Saturday evening, the most famous Lithuanian film and theater world representatives gathered to the LRT television. Here, the most honored actors and filmakers were awarded with Silver Crane. The Lithuanian ” Oscars ” gathered the most stylish people who walked down the red carpet in a festive mood. The 8th Silver Crane awards […]
On Saturday (May 23), the amphitheatre of the old Kaunas pier was filled with the sounds of Lithuanian folk music from the annual children’s orchestra festival Jurgut, Jurgut, grok. 16 children orchestras from all over Lithuania appeared in the event. The choir leaders and participants were treated with “Lavazza” gifts.
On May 16th-17t the Porsche Club Lithuania opened already the twelfth season. On Saturday, club members and guests gathered at Vanagupė hotel in Palanga. The event was attended by more than 40 crews , as well as guests from Vilnius Porsche Centre, which also brought a series of new Porsche cars that members of the club […]
This weekend (April 9th) more than 250 motorcycles traveled in the event called “Mototourism Sprint”. Organizers of the event invited motorcyclists to discover lesser-known city and its surrounding areas, restored heritage sites. Start and finish of the event took place in the BMW car showroom. During the event, a zip of energy was given bya […]
Tuesday evening was the debut night for the Italian tenor Donato ravini. His first concert took place at Vilnius Town Hall were many of classical music lovers gathered to listen to Ravini. Italian spirit was all over in the air not because of italian music, but as well as because of italian coffee “Lavazza” aroma.
Lithuanian Film Academy regularly organises various seminars and training for their staff and colleagues. At seminars and training participants are treated with “Lavazza” coffee.
Thursday evening at Vilnius Enterntainment arena was dedicated to fashion house “Inži” latest wedding dresses collection 2015-2016. During the evening, 70 elegant bridal dresses were presented. Designer was inspired by Italy, therefore the collection and the evening was full of italian spirit. Evening guests were treated with “Lavazza” coffee, and models recieved “Lavazza” gifts .
On the 26 th of March Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Law organized the conference about the importance of freedom and expression of it in Lithuania and Poland. lecturers from Lithuania and abroad shared their thoughts of the theme. Conference participants were treated with “Lavazza” coffee and lecturers were awarded with special “Lavazza” gifts .
On the 18th of February at the Small Theatre of Vilnius Agnė Kuzmickaitė spring- summer collection took place. The event attracted fans of the designer and crowd of her friends. The event was visited by people known to the world of entertainment, stylists and artists . Before the event theaters foyer was full of “Lavazza” […]
On the 23th-25th of March Kaunas Alexander Stulginskis University hosted the annual “Eco Days” event. During the event, university students managed environment, prepared special lectures on ecological importance and benefits. “Eco Days” culmination was the event during which awards were given to the most ecology encouraging and promoting faculty and students. They were endowed with […]
On the 11th of February, Alexander Stulginskis University voted for “The Best student”. This annual event gathered more than 10 participants this year. The winner and all participants were awarded with special “Lavazza” gifts.
Tarptautinė jaunimo konferencija TEDx šių metų vasario 20 dieną vyko Kauno M. Žilinsko galerijoje. Konferencijoje susirinkę virš 100 dalyvių bei lektorių dalijosi mintimis apie kūrybą, politiką, siekius ir kitus aktualius šiandienos jaunimui klausimus. Konferencijos metu dalyviai vaišinosi “Lavazza” kava, pranešėjams įteiktos”Lavazza” dovanos.
UAB Amoka awarded winners and most active participants with the special prizes. Waitresses of pizzeria chain “Charlie pizza” and “Katpėdėlė ” actively competed with each other, the main task – to sell more coffee than usual. First place winners were awarded with the stylish Lavazza BLUE coffee machine, remaining who actively participated recieved Lavazza coffee […]
Vytautas Magnus University hosted the annual Lithuanian students’ forum in which young and enterprising prospective students shared their thoughts about career plans, opportunities and aspirations. During the event, the students were treated with “Lavazza” coffee, and were also awarded with special “Lavazza” gifts.
On December 21, over two hundred sporty minded participants came to Kaunas Girstutis swimming pool. They were responsibly preparing for the family tournament organised by R.Meilutytė charity and support foundation for the second year in succession. Not only the technical staff of the pool but also R.Meilutytė, her father Saulius Meilutis, brothers and other relatives […]
UAB Amoka awarded special prizes to the winners and most active participants of waiters competition. The competition was held for 2 months, in the network of Asian food restaurants Soya and Chilli pizzeria network. During the competition, waiters actively competed with each other, while the main task was to sell more coffee than usual. First […]
Earth defenders – is the name of Lavazza calendar 2015, immortalized by the long-time partner of Lavazza, photographer Steve McCurry. Earth defenders are a 12-photo tour around Africa and the people who fight everyday for the welfare of the land. The photographs commemorate the heroes fighting for healthy products, land conservation and protecting Africans working […]
UAB Amoka is proud to invite its customers to the second training classes opened in December in Klaipeda. The first training class was opened in October 2013 in Kaunas. These training classes are intended for practical and theoretical bartender and service staff training on a variety of coffee and coffee production technologies. They also teach […]
On Thursday night, the best design of the country Juozas Statkevičius made fashion fans who came to Siemens Arena in the capital city to feel like in exotic Morocco. It is this North African country that has become a major source of his ideas for the spring and summer collection of 2015. Like every year, […]
Goddess – was the name of Agnė Bičiūtė-Jankauskienė‘s head and face accessories collection, presented in a cosy environment of the showroom in Žvėrynas district of Vilnius to famous people, representatives of the world of fashion and friends. Presentation of the collection was a bit unusual: the main action took place around the decorated table at […]
Responsible consumption is becoming increasingly urgent topic of the coffee industry. There is a growing emphasis on the theme of ethics, while consumers are increasingly involved in social and environmental issues. Lavazza company decided to create a new design of the coffee can in the exceptional responsible consumption project of Tierra Lavazza. It created two […]
ELSA VDU&ELSA Thessaloniki International Conference on Contemporary Issues on Intellectual Property Law at Vytautas Magnus university. Conference participants were treated with Lavazza coffee, and all conference speakers were handed Lavazza gifts.
On the first weekend the last rally tournament was held in Druskininkai. After the dramatic ten special speed strips Rally Classic the crew of V. Žala, riding in a third position for a while, triumphed. The participants of the championship enjoyed Lavazza coffee, and special Lavazza prizes for winners.
On 4 October Porsche Club in Kaunas held its season closing event. Traditionally, Porsche cars came together in Kaunas Town Hall. Club members started in Auto slalom competition, in a track specially prepared for them at Kaunas Žalgiris Arena. Unrivalled in the Class up to 400 hp was Vytautas Matuliauskas, driver of Porsche 911 cabrio; […]
In early September, the European Centre Golf club (Vilnius) ended its all summer-long tournament Women’s golf day. Every summer on Wednesday the participants played in mini-tournaments which culminated in the final game on the first weekend of autumn. All participants received many prizes and the tournament winners were awarded with the main prize – a […]
Throughout the summer, the Klaipeda National Golf Resort golf course held the tournament and its awards took place on 28 August. All participants of Lavazza Matchplay tournament were awarded with special Lavazza gifts and the first place winner was awarded the main prize of the tournament – stylish Lavazza coffee machine.
On the day of the Baltic Road more than 140 motorcyclists with passengers travelled through Lithuania in Mototourism rally. Now in its fourth year, this ongoing cognitive entertainment event called to an adventure and excitement – to learn more about the country, to discover less known areas, and restored heritage objects. During the event, participants […]
The celebration which took place in Taujėnai manor. More than a hundred guests were treated to Lavazza coffee made specifically for this event from the mobile Lavazza Smart Bar.
Hot news this summer are mobile Lavazza coffee bars already available in the Curonian Spit. Smart Lavazza coffee bar and Lavazza bar-bike sells coffee Nida and Preila.
On July 16-19 the fifteenth successive international Promo events – the 1000 km race – was attended by 43 teams from twelve countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belgium, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Spain, the United States, Russia and Belarus. Car fans in a tent for Porsche VIP guests were treated with Lavazza coffee, and given […]
On June 7 Klaipeda rocked in jazzy rhythm. Klaipeda Castle Jazz Festival is an international jazz festival, organized in Klaipeda since 1994. The festival is held on the first weekend of the summer each year. Klaipeda Castle Jazz Festival brings together most prominent jazz artists of different styles from around the world. Festival visitors and […]
This summer’s news: Lavazza Cremespresso – exclusive cold drink of espresso and cream. Velvety cream, complemented with small ice crystals, with the taste reminiscent of fresh velvety touch. Cremespresso is good for any time of the day; this is a refreshing alternative for tasty cappuccino or delicious dessert after a meal. You can test Cremespresso […]
Designer Victoria Jakučinskaitė, famous for its romantic dresses, on May 8 in Vilnius introduced a new collection of 2014. Evening guests watched the event outstanding for its elegance and femininity. Visiting guests of the event were greeted with Lavazza coffee and special Lavazza gifts.
On May 2 in Vilnius the most prominent Lithuanian cinema and television film actors were awarded. Lithuanian Oscar statuettes – Silver Cranes – were awarded to the best actors of the year, best short film makers, best directors and others recognized as the best in their field. In addition to the traditional Silver Crane statuettes […]
The new book about one of the most beautiful Italian cities Rome was presented on April 28. This book is an excellent guide to the Italian capital, its culture, food traditions, people and places of interest. The authors chose to present their new work in the most Italian place – Italian Embassy in Vilnius. The […]
On February 25, the National Drama Theatre was filled with the fans of creative works of designer Agnė Kuzmickaitė and guests of the event. The exclusive place of presentation perfectly revealed the basic idea of the designer’s collections – royal routine. More than 90 models came on stage, under the sounds of special musical track, […]
Stylish and functional coffee machine for your office, home and for gifts – LB 910 Compact for a festive price! With the coffee machine you will get a ground coffee capsules box (100 pcs.) – for free! The offer price is only LTL 669 including VAT. *Number of machines is limited.
On Thursday evening (2013-12-12) invited guests gathered in a special Kitchen Myth Busters event. It presented the latest culinary VMG album. During the evening, the famous mixologist made alcohol cocktails with Lavazza coffee and entertained evening guests with them. The attendants had the opportunity to taste the exclusive VMG dessert, for which as much as […]
The theme of inspirational chefs on the new Lavazza calendar theme has been chosen not by chance. Lavazza has always paid particular attention to their coffee recipes and distinctive image, therefore in creating new drinks it cooperates with the world’s most famous chefs. This year, six of them became the models of the new Lavazza […]
UAB Amoka is proud to invite its customers to the training class based in Kaunas. This training class is intended for practical and theoretical bartender and service staff training on a variety of coffee and coffee production technologies. They also teach about the operating principles and service of espresso machines and other coffee equipment. In […]
Throughout the summer, the Klaipeda National Golf Resort golf course held the tournament and its awards took place on 28 August. All participants of Lavazza Matchplay tournament were awarded with special Lavazza gifts and the first place winner was awarded the main prize of the tournament – stylish Lavazza coffee machine.
On October 4-6 the closing of the Lithuanian Rally Championship season – Druskininkai Rally Classic 2013 – took place in Druskininkai. The event was attended by more than 40 sportsmen not only from Lithuania, but also in Poland, Belarus, Russia and Finland. The first place in the competition was awarded to Giedrius Notkus with Dalius […]
On August 16-18 Karklė 2013 Live Music Beach music festival was held in Karklė (Klaipeda). Those present were entertained by well-known Lithuanian and foreign performers and groups. Music festival visitors could enjoy three mobile Lavazza coffee bars: Lavazza Smart car-bar welcomed everyone at the entrance to the festival, a special Lavazza tent-bar made coffee is […]
On August 14 the concert of the Armenian duduk patriarch, the world-famous megastar Jivan Gasparyan was held in Vilnius, in the courtyard of Chodkeviciai Palace. During the concert, the guests were introduced to the new Maserati Ghibli car. Guests coming to see the impressive Maserati were treated to a cup of real Italian Lavazza espresso.
From June 25 to August 28 Klaipeda golf course National Golf Resort holds the 9-hole match game – 2 players competing against one another. The main prize of the tournament is Lavazza BLUE coffee machine, as well as many other Lavazza prizes. More information about the tournament: http://www.nationalgolf.lt/
On July 11-13 Palanga hosted the annual 1000 km race event. This year, it focused attention on the numbers of Porsche Club Lithuania and the Race attack event organized by the club. During the event, all Porsche Club members could test their cars in a real race track. The tent of the Porsche Club members […]
On June 13-16 Kaunas Ąžuolynas sports and wellness centre held the first international tournament of teams UNITY CUP TENNIS 2013. The tournament attracted the strongest tennis players from Lithuania and neighbouring countries. During the 3-day tournament the players competed for the main prize of 10 thousand litas, and the honour of the city. Kaunas team […]
Menard Women’s Golf Days will take place in the European Centre Golf Club in Vilnius every Wednesday from June 5 to August 28. Golfers will compete in the 9-hole tournaments and golf newcomers will be offered golf lessons with a professional golf coach. Every Wednesday, the participants will be awarded with many prizes, and at […]
On the Wednesday night (June 5) the first haute fashion and gastronomic event Aqua, vino & fashion took place in Kempinski Hotel, Vilnius, in the Cathedral square. The idea of event was initiated and implemented by the journalists Jurga and Paulius Jurkevičius living in Italy. During the evening the guests tasted products inherent to Italy: […]
On Saturday (May 25), the amphitheatre of the old Kaunas pier was filled with the sounds of Lithuanian folk music from the annual children’s orchestra festival Jurgut, Jurgut, grok. 16 children orchestras from all over Lithuania appeared in the event. The choir leaders were handed Lavazza gifts.
On Saturday night Vilnius Theatre Arena was filled with Lithuanian filmmakers and Lithuanian cinema fans. Silver Crane Awards were held for the sixth time, the best of the best of the last year were nominated. In total, 15 Silver Crane statuettes were awarded. After the awards ceremony, the guests were treated with Lavazza espresso coffee.
This weekend the season opening and the 10th anniversary of the Porsche Club Lithuania was held at the seaside. On Saturday, Klaipeda city residents and guests watched the Porsche car line-up, and on Sunday, speed lovers enjoyed auto-slalom race in Nida airfield. The whole weekend Porsche cars were accompanied by a special Lavazza Smart mobile […]
On April 4th, designer Ramunė Piekautaitė introduced her first Cruise 2013 collection in Vilnius Kempinski Hotel on Cathedral Square. Models showed over 50 garments standing out with elegance characteristic to R. Piekautaitė. Guests of the event were treated with flavoured Lavazza espresso coffee. Event photo: http://www.lrytas.lt/
On March 22-23 Vilnius CAC will host the biggest fashion festival fashion in Lithuania – Fashion Infection. The fifteenth, anniversary fashion event this year promises to surprise the fashion fans with the abundance of collection for men, and prêt-a-porter collections, along with a variety of non-traditional creative fashion winds. Fall all the latest news about […]
The first synthesis of fashion and that was held in Kaunas on the eve of Women’s Day. The event brought together fashion lovers to enjoy the great works of Lithuanian and Latvian designers. Seven designers presented their collections of clothing and accessories at M.Žilinskas gallery: Viktorija Jakučinskaitė, Liutauras Salasevičius, Ernesta Jorudė, Algita Gudeliauskienė, Kristina Rutkauskaitė, […]
Unexpected new innovative Lavazza Calendar 2013 – Opera Viva. This year, for the first time Lavazza calendar has transformed into video form. The famous virtuoso of digital art Marco Brambilla created the calendar two minutes of which contain all 365 days, with the participation of hundreds of enthusiastic amateur photographers whose photos are reflected in […]
In December, at the party in Pizza Jazz restaurant in Kaunas Laisvės Avenue the scenographer Guoda Jaruševičiūtė (Lindbury prize winner) from London created an installation of 600 Lavazza paper cups.
Lavazza this branch to present the news – e-cup by one of the most innovative chefs and designers, Davide Oldari. This cup was created by Lavazza Innovation Centre in Turin. White porcelain cup is created exclusively for espresso. The minimalist style cup is unique in that one of its inner walls is thicker than normal, […]
On Tuesday evening, Stikliai hotel and restaurant commemorated its 25-year anniversary. Evening hosts invited the guests to the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Hall, where the audience was congratulated by the conductor of Moscow State Symphony Orchestra P. Kogan. During the evening the guests were treated to delicious snacks, cocktails and Lavazza coffee.
In weekend Druskininkai posted the Car of the Year 2013 camp, which brought together a record high number of participants this year. In addition to other attractions at the event, Fiat representatives held a special entertainment – brain battle, and the new Fiat 500L model equipped with a coffee machine was introduced for the competition […]
On Monday evening in Siemens Arena Juozas Statkevičius introduced a new haute couture collection of this year, inspired by the painting Tailor of famous Italian painter Giovanni Battista Moroni. Renaissance style clothes radiated with luxury and theatricality. Almost full arena hall came to admire the collection of J. Statkevičius. After the catwalk show, as every […]
In the three Baltic countries, the survey performed by GfK company helped to learn the public opinion about the brands. 1,000 people were interviewed in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. They named the trademarks associated with their favourites. Google’s trademark was given first place in the table; the top five also included Skype, Nokia and other […]
Rally Classic Druskininkai 2012 – is the final phase of the Lithuanian Rally Championship where the best rally masters fight for the main champion title. This year, more than 30 participants competed on the track while spectators filled the town of Druskininkai. In the VIP tent participants and guests of the event were treated to […]
All brand-new, minimalist style coffee machine, which is environmentally friendly. This is the highest technology of Wega coffee machines. This machine has a night power-saving function in combination with technology remembering previous actions, allowing to save from 30% to 47.6% of energy. Wega Green Line espresso machine is designed for professional use in bars, restaurants, […]
Authentic cold Italian coffee by Lavazza – Gelo Espresso, a product that combines quality and innovation. The taste and aroma are guaranteed by the special method of preparation. Lavazza Innovation and Training Centre patented a special device for Gelo espresso – a coffee cooler. It is special for its unusual shape of a truncated cone. […]
Lavazza coffee company continues to delight the lovers of coffee and presents a new coffee drinks menu espresSOunique. These are brand new espresso-based recipes reflecting completely new shape, texture and flavour combinations of Lavazza coffee drinks. Lavazza espresSOunique recipes come in combination with a variety of newly developed Lavazza ingredients: as many as eight flavours […]
This weekend (April 28-29) the season opening and the 9th anniversary of the Porsche Club Lithuania was held Nida. More than 30 Porsches attended the car slalom competition. The festival also attracted a number of fans of this brand of cars, and a lot of visitors. The season-opening of Porsche Club Lithuania also included the […]
On March 23, the biggest number of girls from Kaunas, a total of 15, competed for the nomination of the most beautiful lady. The theme of the election night was Life Is A Theatre. The elections of Miss Provisional Capital 2012 were hosted by actress Nijolė Narmontaitė, and famous ballads were presented during the event […]
This spring the 13th Fashion Infection festival took place in the Contemporary Art Centre (CAC). Fashion Infection is not only the most prominent fashion festival in Lithuania. This is a modern event, where both well-known and young designers of the fashion world present their creative works. Fashion and style are close to the Italian coffee […]
A new coffee bar Coffee Port now opened in Klaipėda features an ultra-wide range of coffee drinks and a cosy interior. In this bar, customers can try out a wide range of Lavazza Blue coffees. In the interior of the Coffee Port you cannot overlook the impressive size of Lavazza paintings. Three espresso coffee machines […]
On Wednesday night in Vilnius, entertainment arena, the presentation of the fourth exclusive Spring/Summer 2012 collection of designer Juozas Statkevičius was held. Models from the collection were demonstrated not only by well-known supermodels but also by a famous British artist Dexter Fletcher, famous Lithuania prima ballerina Eglė Špokaitė, Arvydas Sabonis wife Ingrida Sabonienė and daughter […]
On November 25 Kaunas had its fourth competition of the most charming woman of Lithuania. 10 ladies competed for this title and the winner was a lady from Kaunas. According to the concept of producer Laimutis Genys, this year’s competition was named Retro visions, at the music of Danielius Dolskis along with the interwar dress […]
The student bowling tournament for Apollo’s Cup award lasted the whole month and ended on Friday. The tournament took place in three Apollo bowling centres: Vilnius, Klaipėda and Šiauliai. Students competed for the winners’ cup and sponsors prizes. UAB Amoka established special Lavazza prizes for this student bowling tournament and awarded them for the tournament […]
On November 22, Vilnius Radisson Blu Astoria Hotel hosted the annual Ladies Evening. During the event, a famous artist, composer, pianist Peter Izotov played to the ladies enchanting music, the fashion line of Lithuanian fashion designers was presented and the winner of the musical reality show Dangus 2 Justas Lapatinskas offered a song specially for […]
The anniversary 2012 Lavazza calendar was presented This year Lavazza Calendar celebrated its 20 years since the first release. On this occasion, Lavazza company released a special calendar with photographers themselves posing as models: Erwin Olaf, Thierry Le Gouès, Miles Aldridge, Marino Parisotto, Eugenio Recuenco, Elliott Erwitt, Finlay Mackay, Mark Seliger, Annie Leibovitz, Albert Watson, […]